Undoo THC Research with Marion McNabb #98

Undoo THC Research with Marion McNabb #98

Have you ever gotten too high from cannabis and regretted your actions? Maybe you’ve gotten a call from work or family and you need to do something right now, but you don’t feel like driving. This is a job for Undoo. Undoo is a supplement that mitigates the unwanted effects of accidental overconsumption. It does this by swiftly clearing your head, or resetting your THC tolerance. Two years ago Undoo founder Sarara Corva visited the podcast. We learned all about the product and it’s possibilities. In today’s episode we extend the conversation further. Our guest is researcher Marion McNabb, President of the Cannabis Center of Excellence and a Cannabis Advisory Board Member. Marion is doing serious research on Undoo and focusing on veterans. Today we discuss her preliminary results.

How Undoo Works

This is the previous episode with Sarara Corva: How To Metabolize THC Using Undoo Undoo  utilizes the body’s natural chemistry and enhances how we naturally clear THC from our cannabinoid receptors. Undoo doesn’t contain cannabidiol (CBD) which is sometimes marketed as a way to decrease the intoxicating effects of THC. Undoo can be used for THC overconsumption, bad timing, morning fog, or for a THC tolerance reset. Jimmy Carberry is the inventor of undo. It’s  active ingredient is olivetol, found most concentrated in lichen. On the molecular level, olivetol has a similar structure to THC but is a lot lighter, which means it could get absorbed into the body in much the same way. Once the olivetol makes it to the brain, it “bumps” the THC off the CB1 receptors, “flushing” your neurons in a couple hours and prepping your brain for a new dose.

Undoo Research Story

The Cannabis Center of Excellence  conducts citizen-science focused population studies and programs in the areas of community engagement, medical cannabis, adult-use cannabis, and social justice in the cannabis industry. The CCOE serves as a virtual resource & network of cannabis industry professionals, academics, policy makers, healthcare providers, consumers, and patients who aim to break the stigma and advance social justice in the cannabis industry.

Chronic pain is more prevalent and eminent in Veterans than in the general population – veterans aged ≥20 years were more likely to have chronic pain than non-veterans (31.5% vs. 20.1%), and a study conducted in 2020 of 1,700 US Iraq and Afghanistan veterans discovered that 32% were prescribed opioids to deal with the pain.

Increasing opioid dosing does not appear to improve chronic pain. A study by VA Portland researchers in 2020 noted that out of 500 patients with chronic pain, nearly 20% had their opioid dose increased, although solely 3% of those patients indicated meaningful progress in pain

Marion’s veterans’ study is intended to discover how medical cannabis was helping veterans in Massachusetts and nationally

How to Connect with Marion McNabb

To learn more click here:

Cannabis Advocate Podcast

The Cannabis Advocate podcast advocates for businesses in the cannabis industry and explores the unique challenges they face. Despite hurdles in legislation, regulation, and culture, there are tremendous opportunities for growers, manufacturers and retail sellers of cannabis products. Many of these issues are unique to the cannabis industry. This podcast speaks to these common concerns and shares stories of success.

This is a production of Habanero Media.  https://habaneromedia.net

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