Story of Cannabis Transportation Gone Wrong with Traci Quinn #46

Story of Cannabis Transportation Gone Wrong with Traci Quinn #46

Traci Quinn is the CEO of Pink Hats Construction and Development Group. Traci is a registered nurse, entrepreneur, writer, speak and co-founder of Women of Wealth. In this interview Traci shares here journey starting in cannabis as a medicine to help children with seizures. She tells a tale about a run-in with the law while transporting cannabis and how she was able to avoid prison. Lastly she shares details on her work at Chitiva, social equity, expungement and the services they provide. Any business owner in the cannabis industry can take lessons from Traci.

How To Connect with Traci Quinn

To connect with Traci you can find her on her website


The Cannabis Advocate Podcast

The Cannabis Advocate podcast advocates for businesses in the cannabis industry and the explores the unique challenges they face. Despite hurdles in legislation, regulation, and culture, there are tremendous opportunities for growers, producers and sellers of cannabis products. Many of these issues are unique to the cannabis industry, This podcast speaks to these common concerns and shares stories of success.

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This is a production of Habanero Media.