Cannabinoid CBG and the House of G with Jeff Grice #67

Jeff Grice The House of G

Jeff Grice The House of G

Did you know that cannabinoid CBG has special properties according to Jeff Grice, founder of the House of G. CBG combats pain without having the intoxicating effect of cannabinoids like THC. Research shows that CBG can also have therapeutic effects. Promising studies show that CBG might provide therapeutic benefits. In this interview we talk about how CBG can provide positive help for inflammatory bowel syndrome, glaucoma, Huntington’s disease, cancer, as well as antibacterial properties. Jeff shares personal stories of himself, his mother and others on how CBG has provided relief. CBG is his passion.

CBG the Foundational Cannabinoid

Cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, is the foundational molecule from which many other cannabinoids are made. CBGA is converted into THCA, the precursor of THC, and into CBDA, the precursor of CBD, during the flowering cycle. Once this conversion process is complete, the cannabis plant contains only trace amounts of CBGA, which is why it’s available at higher concentrations several weeks before harvest. CBG is formed from the decarboxylation of CBGA, which activates the cannabinoid.

CBG interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system by interacting with both CB1 and CB2 receptors and stimulating a response. These receptors regulate physiological processes such as mood, pain response, and appetite. Recent preclinical research has indicated that CBG has a stronger affinity for the CB2 receptor. CBG seems to interact with the endocannabinoid system in a number of possibly therapeutic ways that are not yet fully understood. CBG appears to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid receptors differently than either THC or CBD, producing unique physiological effects.

How to Find Jeff Grice and the House of G

You can purchase the cannabinoid CBG products at the House of G below as well as connect with Jeff.


Email grice at

Phone 779-513-0551

Cannabis Advocate Podcast

The Cannabis Advocate podcast advocates for businesses in the cannabis industry and explores the unique challenges they face. Despite hurdles in legislation, regulation, and culture, there are tremendous opportunities for growers, manufacturers and retail sellers of cannabis products. Many of these issues are unique to the cannabis industry. This podcast speaks to these common concerns and shares stories of success.

This is a production of Habanero Media.

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